Title:The Mermaid's Flower
Medium & Size: Pastels - 12.5"x 14.25"
Artist: Haleigh Ashby, Provo, Utah
Title: Apple
Medium & Size: Crayon - 9"x 12"
Artist: Calixta Ashby, Provo, Utah
Title: Shaded Tree
Medium & Size: Colored Pencil - 8.5" x 11"
Artist: Sandra Faye, Roy, Utah
Title: Sunflowers
Medium & Size: Watercolor - 5" x 6.5"
Artist: Karleigh Jae Heywood, Rexburg, Idaho
Title: Hummingbird
Medium & Size: Sharpie Marker on white BFK - 8.75" x 13.5"
Pastels are really hard for me so I'm impressed by this piece. Your use of contrasting colors worked well. I really focus on the mermaid because of the colors used for hair and her tail. The one suggestion I might have is the sea weed on the bottom right side. Notice how the left side points back into the drawing. This brings my eye back into the focus and allows me to stay within the artpiece. The sea weed on the right side points out of the drawing and there is no barrier there to stop my eyes from leaving the drawing. By adding another piece of seaweed that points back in you can direct your viewers attention back into the drawing and the mermaid.
You seem to be using crayon a lot. Compared to your other apple, this one is not on the same skill level. The quality isn't done well. I suggest taking a look at some crayon artists (maybe Don Marco or Jeffrey Robert) and seeing their quality in line and shading when using crayon.
This piece is very surreal and contemporary. The part that throws me off most is the lighting. The apple has a different light source than the cubes, the cubes have a different light source than the background and their's only one shadow which is for the apple and the light source for that shadow is different than what is on anything else. Knowing this is not a realistic piece this might work except that it is the very first thing I noticed. If that's what you wanted, then I suppose that's ok but if that's not what you wanted the viewer to notice then perhaps creating harmony between light sources might help. The first apple you did(that I used for an example) showed more color contrast. This shows a lot more value contrast.
Thank you for submitting a piece. The contrasting colors of the green tree and red flower fulfilled the assignment well. If you did that in an hour...imagine how much better it would look with two hours of work on it.
Sandra Faye:
Everyone really should click on the photo of your piece to see it larger. Seeing it larger allows me to see the layers created by the watercolor. This piece represents the assignment well. The yellow and blues and purples and greens right next to each other and blending with each other. It makes the flowers stand out wonderfully to have the purples right next to the yellows and the greens and blues surrounding the yellow. It really helps the yellow to pop and liven up the piece. I also like the composition and how we can see the flowers from different angles. Especially the backside. That's a great example of seeing things from a different view that we did in assignment 8.
As with mine...it looks unfinished. I think I should watercolor the white to be green or red. I should put more time into it.
Sam: I liked yours a lot. It looks like a page out of a story book. The only thing is I think it needs a stronger focal point. But it looks really nice.
Haleigh: I did the lighting just to throw off the hole piece. I did it for pure enjoyment and boredom. I love crayons... Thanks for the artist suggestions sis. They were interesting.
Calixta: loved it. Love you. I actually thought this picture was really neat. You have an interesting perspective.
Grandma: Of course yours follows the assignment perfectly. I always stray and get into my own thing when I do mine. It is very lovely and I like how it shows depth.
Karleigh: I thought it looks really nice. The flowers are drawing my attention to much and I feel like the bird should be the one stealing my attention away from the flowers.
Sam, I think the first thing I noticed is the red hair on the mermaid, which is warm against the cold blue water, then I felt like the water and the hair were moving, expecially the water. There is a lot of movement in the picture which is nice. The seaweed could overlap ther mermaid on the right side along with pointing back in the picture. This would give it more depth and tie the picture together. The leaves around the flower don't have as much movement, perhaps giving them more and overlapping the tail a little with the leaves from the flower would help. Overall I think it is a nice piece. OH and I like her blue eyes. they stand out.
Haleigh, I have a hard time critiqueing this kind of work. I don't do this kind, and don't always understand what is trying to be portrayed. For the assignment, the red, usually a warm color feels quite cold and the green which can go either way is on the warm side. Over all it is a very cold picture, either that or my air conditioner is turned down too low. I think the shadow below the apple is fun and makes you think.
Calixta, good job, I wish I could grow my flowers that big.
Karleigh, your work is very neat and well done, however I feel it isn't tied together at all. You have two seperate pictures. You are very good at designing, but maybe you could pull things together to make a more complete picture.
Where is Retts? This is fun
Sam, I like how you completed your assignment, very little value yet strong color contrast
orange and red hair against a blue and green background great use of the color wheel I also like the way you did use just a touch of light value in the blue flower in her hand to draw you in to the center of the pic, If I had to
offer any suggestion for future
this would be a great subject to
do again using assignment #7 reference material could help get more movment in the painting
Gret job
Haleigh,you did complete the assignment as it was written
your color lets the red
play against the green
Calixta, I was a little surprised you draw with a lot of confidence the strokes are strong, good use of colors for the assignment,
work a little on the composition Hope to see more paintings from you
SFAshby, Again gret use of color the purples and greens let the yellow jump off the page, it also gives a very bright mood to the painting when you can give thismuch light to it
only posible helper would be strengthening one of the flowers either by size or by a stronger color all three flowers seem to have same importance
Great assignment even though I did not do it, I pay atention to it as I paint if I find I cant get enough color intesity in a color I will somtimes go to the colors surrounding it and evaluate
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