Thursday, July 3, 2008

Assignment #4: Low Key

This week our focus is on the other end of the value scale. Low key pieces can create a totally different feel to a piece. As a nice exercise, you can do the same artwork in low key that you did in high key from last week's assignment. Then compare the change of mood the value range brings to your artwork. 

The oil painting below was done by Seema Dhopra and it is titled "Got the Blues" for a very good reason. We'll work on color for another assignment but notice how it isn't just the use of blue that creates the mood of the painting.  The darkness of it helps create that feel. If this same painting were done in high key, it would have a happy cheery feel and the title might actually need to be changed.

The photograph below was done by Arash Dejkam. Notice how dark the piece is and the mood that it helps create. His photographs range all over the value scale. Take the time to look through his photographs and decide whether they are high key, low key or if they mostly have midtones.

Assignment #4:

Create a low key piece of artwork. Remember to stick to the 0-3 range on the value scale.

This assignment is Due Wednesday July 9th at Midnight. Please follow the directions on the right column for submission.

As always, all assignments can be done using any medium and any dimension but for those who need more guidelines, recommendations are listed below.

Recommended Materials and Dimensions:

Use different papers to make your art piece. Find a variety of paper, printed and plain that are in the low key range of value. Use the theme "Lost" (or choose your own subject) and do a collage with the papers you've found. Your finished piece should be at least 8" x 10" (or 20 x 25 cm)


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Sara x

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